2021.01.22 10:00 - 11:30

CHEY-CSIS Commission - Public Session 2 (1)
#Northeast Asia
#North Korea's Nuclear Program
#Korea-US Relations
#Korean Peninsula
Chey Institute for Advanced Studies and CSIS have launched the Joint Commission on Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula in December 2019 to form a collective intelligence for the future of the region and the ROK-U.S. alliance in light of the dawn of new Biden era. Against this backdrop, Chey Institute and CSIS held the second public session on "New Biden Era and the Korean Peninsula" on January 22, 2021.
Joseph NYE, John HAMRE, Richard ARMITAGE, Mark LIPPERT, Wendy CUTLER, Victor CHA, LEE Sook Jong, CHUNG Jae Ho, KIM Byung-yeon, PARK Cheol-Hee