
Kim Hong Kyun, Kim Heung-kyu, Ma Sang Yoon
#North Korea

Joel Witt, Bruce Klingner, Douglas H. Paal
#North Korea

Douglas h. Paal, Gary Samore
#North Korea

Bruce Klingner
#North Korea
The Chey Institute hosted the 2nd Deep Dive Seminar, following the success of the first in February. Titled, "North Korean Nuclear Issue Roundtable Sub-Session", the seminar discussed the key issues first presented at the first seminar. The event had numerous renowned scholars and professionals from across the world, a total of 30 from Korea, US and China. Some of the prominent participants were, Gary Samore (Brandeis University), Douglas H. Paal (Carnegie Endowment for Peace). Bruce Bennet (RAND), Bruce Klinger (Heritage Foundation), Scott A. Snyder (CFR), Joel S. Wit (Columbia University) and Jia Qingguo (Peking University).